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  • Karel Ancona - Best Cali Hemp

Improvising Against The Odds

The Best Cali Hemp team covered a lot of ground last week. Richie, Katrina and Sam picked up another 3,500 gallon tank last weekend, which will provide extra water storage and is configured to work in conjunction with existing tanks.The last minute preparation of water lines - testing, repairing breaks or leaks, replacing broken emitters and such is complete thanks to some extra help from Uncle Kelly, who loves his sister so much he’s begun spending all his vacation time helping with Life on the Farm. That’s a good brother! After a couple of extra long days, all the plants are topped, cloned and transplanted as required and from that standpoint, everything is a go. The weather did throw us a couple of challenges as last week began beautifully in the low 80’s.

By Thursday Mother Nature hit us with snow, hail, thunder, lightening and rain with low less than optimal temperatures. Richie and Kelly spent a rainy, cold Friday replacing emitters and drip lines. Katrina and I would have loved to have joined them, but our attention was required elsewhere. Richie had transplanted several girls outdoors and so far, they are holding their own through all the weather changes. It’s good that we conduct these informal experiments from time to time, as it helps us learn exactly what the various strains can handle. Data collection gives us a broader scope of what is and isn’t possible in this climate. The worst weather day was spent indoors preparing our Reliable Blends products for market and pulling orders for shops in Redding, Fresno and New Jersey. It’s exciting to know the word is spreading and business owners wanting to feature quality products are coming to Best Cali Hemp and Reliable Blends.

Full Circle Soils & Composting delivered a truckload of gorgeous soil perfectly formulated for cannabis cultivation, as well. Ironically, as a journalist, I had written this company’s grand opening story way back in 2001, I think it was. They started in Minden, Nevada and have grown into one of the most specialized purveyors of composted soils and specialty soil blends in the Northern California and Northern Nevada region. It’s fun to see how much they’ve grown over time. We ran an order over the hill to Kiss Me Novelties in Redding, and Richie’s dad, Senior, arrived Sunday. The rest of the team arrived Monday and I’m certain there will be lots to report in next week’s installment, because as busy as its been, it’s going to become more so before the relatively quiet of summer is upon us.

’Til next week, happy growing!


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