From the outset, when the first discussions of hemp farming began and before this became Best Cali Hemp, the discussions, conversations and intentions were focused on the importance that whatever we did moving forward would eventually leave a legacy for our families, and be a vehicle for the greater good of our community and even the world, whatever that was to be. We asked that events would unfold in a good way and the path be cleared of that which didn’t work and bring us that which would. Now I don’t mean have this installment of Life on the Farm to sound like a Sunday sermon. That said, I believe there are no accidents, that there is a bigger picture unfolding influenced for better or worse by our freewill, and that there is a higher, guiding, creative force we co-create with.
To get to this point has required myriad things to happen going back decades and many “coincidences” and connections to occur more recently. Without each of the dots connecting, there is no way we would be standing in this moment. My point is that we spoke the reality we wanted to create from the outset, we have walked in faith, listened, stayed out of the driver’s seat and as a result, have been divinely guided down the path we’re on. Confirmation of this is what I call “good evidence.” And while we’re not presently at liberty to discuss details, The Best Cali Hemp team received news last week that is not only mind blowing, but humbling. It is the kind of
news that causes a certain level of disbelief mixed with laughter and a surrealism that requires we pinch ourselves.
We’ve received good evidence that those words spoken these past years combined with the work and belief and faith that’s gone into creating the reality, has been confirmed. Cryptic, I know, but when it’s time to share you will all be among the first to hear the news.
Otherwise, there’s not much new to report. This time of year the daily tasks don’t vary much week to week. We are currently spending a lot of time cloning, planning and prepping as I’ve discussed extensively and enjoying little moments - feeding Peter-Paul and Paul- Peter the two semi-resident peacocks, watching our cats try to chase (the peacocks’) tails, paling around with the dogs and taking in the lake view visible from the farm. We find a lot of amusement and joy in the simple and wish each of you those same moments in you lives, however they manifest. For those of you celebrating, Happy Easter to you. This is the first year in my entire adult life, I’ve not had time to make Confetti Eggs for the festivities. We’ll see if this goes unnoticed. Typically we have nearly 200 of them to launch at each other. You know, they are enjoyed by kids of ALL ages! There’s just been no extra time. Maybe if I start in June this year, I’ll be ready for next year. Or as Katrina says, we could just go buy them, which seems a tad too easy … but maybe necessary, at least this year.
’Til next week, happy growing!